The latest Chrome update (version 84) disabled/deprecated TLS version 1. FOP2 version 2.31.27 or older won't work with Chrome 84 via HTTPS. You must upgrade FOP2 to at least version 2.31.28 to get it working over HTTPS with latests versions of Chrome. You can upgrade FOP2 with one command. If your license is older than a year, you should purchase the annual software maintenance for the upgrade to work.
(and now it works also with FreeSWITCH)
Haiti, Taiwan, Vanuatu, Switzerland, Jamaica, Ecuador, Netherlands, Ghana, Bahamas, United States, Virgin Islands, Cyprus, Qatar, French Polynesia, Korea Republic of, Belize, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Philippines, Brazil, Thailand, Lebanon, Reserved, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Poland, Papua New Guinea, United Arab Emirates, Myanmar, Ukraine, Indonesia, Cote D'ivoire, Viet Nam, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Albania, Azerbaijan, Mali, Algeria, Sweden, Uganda, Malta, Monaco, Tanazania, Belgium, Laos, Aruba, Venezuela, Fiji, Maldives, Italy, Iraq, India, Turkey, France, United Kingdom, Saint Vincent and Th, Canada, Denmark, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Burkina Faso, Suriname, Kazakhstan, Greece, Jordan, Lithuania, Belarus, Portugal, Luxembourg, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Romania, Hungary, Tunisia, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Andorra, Rwanda, European Union, Peru, Mauritius, Liechtenstein, Namibia, Japan, Uruguay, Ireland, Armenia, Barbados, Germany, Georgia, Botswana, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Senegal, Spain, Kuwait, Dominica, Oman, El Salvador, Kenya, Syrian Arab Republic, Austria, Panama, Australia, Nigeria, Slovenia, Antigua and Barbuda, Guadeloupe, Costa Rica, Serbia, Malaysia, Croatia, Gibraltar, Palestinian Territory, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore, Moldova Republic of, Russian Federation, Israel, Egypt, Morocco, Macedonia, Bolivia, Latvia, Paraguay, Bangladesh, Honduras, Netherlands Antilles, Bahrain, Finland, Kyrgyzstan, New Caledonia, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Estonia, Cambodia, China, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Norway, Zimbabwe, Bulgaria, Iran, Chile, Hong Kong, Trinidad and Tobago, Cayman Islands
Look at some of our available products for the Asterisk© PBX
The most comprehensive and affordable reporting and realtime monitor package for Asterisk© based Call Centers. Learn more
A new approach on getting CDR reports for your phone system, centered on the user and call direction. Top lists, Usage pattern and real time view are included. Learn more
Visually create from simple to complex IVR and call flows using API calls, time conditions, logic conditions, Text to Speech and ASR using an intuitive drag and drop interface.
Linux: This version works under any Linux flavor (i386, x86_64 and RaspBerry Pi).
Asterisk©: versions 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16 with the manager interface enabled.
PHP 5 or higher, MySQL or MariaDB: only required for the visual phonebook, call history and recordings interface.
Any modern browser with Javascript enabled. Internet Explorer 9 & up. Firefox 3. Safari. Opera. Chrome.
It also works on mobile platforms like IOS / Android.
Adobe Flash Player is not required.